Introducing Insights

Jonatan Marc Rasmussen
Last updated:
February 5, 2023

What’s your retention rate? Is that good or bad? What’s your 1st year departure rate (i.e. how good are you at keeping new employees), broken down by location? We’re here to answer these questions – and more.

What’s your retention rate? Is that good or bad? What’s your 1st year departure rate (i.e. how good are you at keeping new employees), broken down by location? We’re here to answer these questions – and more.

“One location kept asking us to hire more people - despite us having hired 30 people over 3 months. At some point we dedicated a team member for a couple of days to get data on the location and found out that they’d lost 30 (!) employees in that same timeframe. The issue was not recruiting, but retention.”
HR Director at 3000+ employee company

Given how important retention and on-boarding is for the bottomline, there’s surprisingly little data on it even in big hospitality and retail companies. We’ve learned that in managing workforces and understanding these metrics - it’s really not as smooth as it should be. Often the data does not exist, and if it does then it’s manually prepared a couple of times a year, in a time-consuming process.

If you can’t see a problem, it can be hard to tackle it. If HR is constantly firefighting it’s hard to be strategic - and if you do not have data it’s hard to convince management to invest in HR. Once you’ve wrangled the problems - it can be hard to prove which initiatives worked and get credit for your work!

Insights: get the answers you're looking for

All Gravy Insights lives in your browser. It hooks up to your workforce management system (Planday, Tamigo, more) and updates every day with information about your organisation. There’s little configuration necessary and all the charts have a plain-English explanation.

It’s the basics, done really well.

We showed this to a business intelligence manager at a large hospitality chain (5000+ employees). They were blown away - we’d built something they described as substantially more comprehensive, easier to use, and more robust than a solution they’d spent months of consulting time and €100K+ developing!

Some things we’re especially proud of:

Data coach: quality data drives quality insights

A speed-bump we run into when pulling in data from workforce management systems is that it isn’t always logical - hired date after quit date, for example. We’ve built a tool that checks all your records and excludes them if they don’t look right.

It checks daily; so new records are covered as well as historical - you’ll get a list of records to correct and guidance on how to fix them. If you’ve created these reports manually before, there’s a high chance you’ve used flawed data. Every single customer we ran these checks for had issues. 😱

Integrations & Data CoachTurning messy data into organised for analysis is a solved problem if you’re a data engineer - but you shouldn’t need to be a data engineer to understand your employees.All GravyAll Gravy StaffRead more about Data Coach here

Composable Locations and Slices

The structure in your workforce management system doesn’t always reflect how you really think about your business. We’ve built a solution that allows you to group and re-group your data in the way that makes the most sense for the question you're asking.

  • Franchise owners might operate different systems and you can’t join the data - we fix this by converting everything into our format
  • Some locations might be represented by their own instance of a tool, or just a department, or a group of departments. It’s a headache to keep track, it’s error prone, and it’s subsequently harder to repeat the same queries later to see if you’ve improved
  • Depending on the context, you might want to look at things through different lenses.
  • Individual Locations can be defined and described. A Location is a single - probably physical - space.
  • Locations can be grouped into a concept we call Slices - by region, franchise owner, sub-brand or whether they offer take-out. A Location can be grouped into infinite Slices.


Left: benchmark against peers / Right: compare to your own performance last year

We aggregate data from a few sources to tell you how you’re stacking up against industry peers. But every business is unique - so we also show you how you’re doing against your stiffest competition: yourself!

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Check out and schedule a demo. There's plenty of cool stuff in the pipeline - maybe you'll get to see some previews of that 😉

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